In the middle of a new film...rather...the beginning of it. My third, this year. Each film, a life lived. Each, with it's own unique set of pluses, minuses, pros, cons, highs, lows. Chaos, distractions, egos, emotions, ideas, visions, suggestions, interference....and amidst all this....your will to keep going on, those blinkers...ensuring your sight is set on the final destination alone. Bit by bit, hour by hour, you keep nearing the end...and when you do reach it, worn and tired...the redemption of it all. All follies pardoned, all egos forgotten. The process of 'taking the film out of my system' begins. A few days of unwinding, recharging, idling, doodling....and the mind is fresh to take on something new again. A new film. A new life.
One life at a time.
One life at a time.
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